Within the framework of the Innovative Metropolitan Mobility Chair, ENSA Strasbourg and LIVE laboratory (UNISTRA), in partnership with Eurométropole of Strasbourg (EmS), organize the Innovative mobility and urban design: Mirroring contemporary metropolises international symposium.

The symposium is an invitation addressed to both new and established researchers, as well as experts from the private or public spheres, who seek to rethink – or even revolutionize- mobility as a societal problem and/or practice.

The main topic will focus the relation of mobility systems   to metropolitan territories and places, through fields of knowledge and action as varied as architecture, engineering, geography, new technologies, and others.

The underlying premise of this event is that a new inter- disciplinary, inter-cultural  and  inter-stakeholder  dialogue is necessary in order to respond effectively to the urban mobility issues put forward by the three pillars (social, political and cultural) of sustainable development. Thus, within the context of a needed energy transition, how to combine the growing necessity and desire for speed in travel, with the imperative of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gases? At the same time, how to achieve a better quality of public space dedicated to or crossed by mobility?

How to ensure that the mobility of people, whether undergone or chosen, is part of a municipal and societal project that is acceptable and sustainable?

In an attempt to answer these questions, the IMM Chair has focused its research on the evolution of railway stations, station districts and railway lines (heavy and light rail) in their relation to public space, and, on wider scales, to the city and the metropolitan territory. On one hand, this work has led to the analysis of architectural and urban theories – and, in particular, contributions from French, German and Italian theorists – on the ways of thinking and building the space of the 19th and the 20th century western city, as well as its mobility infrastructures. On the other hand, the work has focused on the current transformations of the contemporary metropolis and Future Studies theories, in order to understand the place of the prospective and exploratory scenarios in the metropolitan project.

This event is an opportunity to enrich and widen the debate on urban mobility issues, in the light of other research experiences (fundamental and/or applied), innovation actions and (spatial) design projects, conducted in various metropolitan contexts and reaching to articulate the question of mobility (and its multiple aspects -technical, technological, ontological, spatial, etc.) with ways of thinking and making contemporary urban places and territories.

Through mirroring these experiences, the objective is to come across the scales of reflection, disciplinary fields (architecture, geography, engineering, sociology, etc.), as well as the diverse professional practices, expertise and cultures of the speakers (researchers, experts in the private sphere and the public sphere).


Friday, september 21st

09h00 – 09h45  welcoming remarks

  • Jean-François BRIAND, ENSAS Director
  • Cristiana MAZZONI, AUSser, IMM Chair, ENSAS Professor
  • Dominique BADARIOTTI, LIVE, UNISTRA Professor

09h45 – 12h45  first session. Contemporary mobility : places and territories

  • Mireille APEL-MULLER, City on the Move-VEDECOM Director Passages: small spaces of movement with big impact
  •  Rozana RIVAS DE ARAUJO, Federal University of Sergipe Professor The parklets in brazilian metropolis
  • André PENY, Senior consultant in mobility planing Innovative station : a « multimodal green hub »
  • Denis DELBAERE, LaCHT / ENSAP Lille Professor The Likoto Track, Slow mobility and High Speed Infrastructures

11h45 – 12h15  Lecture Jean Greber, Renault-Nissan Group

12h15 – 14h00  Lunch Break 14h00 – 16h30

Second session. Innovative mobility: technology and big data

  • Thomas LOUAIL, CNRS, UMR Géographie-cité Researcher Human mobility models and applications – a review
  • Eskin EKIZOGLU, EVCAU / ENSAPVS, PhD candidate Technical individual objects and territories in motion: non visible factors in future mobility systems
  • Arian MAHZOUNI, University of Basel, Social Sciences Researcher Understanding and changing the practices of ‘daily leisure mobility’ towards low-carbon cities
  • Jean-François ARGENCE, LOHR Group, Innovative mobilities Director Cristal by LOHR Group

16h00 – 16h30  Lecture Jian ZHUO, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

16h45 – 17h30  round table – French Perspectives

(in French, translation provided)

  • Gabrielle RICHARD, SYSTRA
  • Jean-François JANIN, URBA 2000
  • Jean-Baptiste GERNET, Strasbourg city, Strasbourg Eurométropole
  • Éric CHENDEROWSKY, Strasbourg Eurométropole

18h00 – 18h45  keynote address

Saturday, September 22th

09h00 – 13h00  Working seminar Sustainable mobility planning and urban design: approaches & tools

Hosts and local Strasbourg researchers:

  • Cristiana Mazzoni, AUSser, IMM Chair, ENSAS Prof.
  • Dominique Badariotti, LIVE, UNISTRA Prof.
  • Andreea Grigorovschi, Ass Prof. IMM Chair, ENSAS, AMUP
  • Nadège Blond, LIVE, UNISTRA, CNRS
  • Arnaud Piombini, LIVE, UNISTRA, CNRS
  • Alexis Conesa, Ass. Prof. UNISTRA, LIVE

International guests:

  • Maria Chiara Tosi, Università IUAV di Venezia, Ass.Prof., Italy
  • Margherita Turvani, Università IUAV di Venezia, Ass.Prof., Italy
  • Rita Occhiuto, Architecture Faculty Prof., Liège University, Belgium
  • Marc Goossens, Architecture Faculty Prof., Liège University, Belgium
  • Otto Hudec, Kojice University Prof., Slovakia
  • Apostolos Papagiannakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Prof., Greece
  • Athina Vitopolou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Ass.Prof., Greece
  • Kay Mitusch, KIT Prof., Germany
  • Eckhard Szimba, KIT Prof., Germany

13h00 – 13h30  Final remarks and closing address Cristiana Mazzoni, AUSser, IMM Chair, ENSAS Prof.

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